15 Things That Would Happen If The US Lost Against North Korea the - THE LATEST NEWS HEADLINES TODAY

15 Things That Would Happen If The US Lost Against North Korea the

15 Things That Would Happen If The US Lost Against North Korea

While the very concept of North Korea taking over America is profoundly upsetting on so many levels for a copious amount of reasons, the “things” we came up with that could potentially happen in lieu of such a tragic event are rather optimistic (save for a few).

If you haven’t been living under a rock (or rather, a massive boulder) for the last few months, then you’ve undoubtedly heard, to some degree, about the mounting tensions between North Korea, the U.S. and, quite frankly, the world, as well as the question of whether or not the rogue nation is capable of carrying out a nuclear attack.

If North Korea, which technically does have nuclear capability, were to ever “win” against the United States, then they’d have found a way to construct a nuclear warhead so it could fit onto a missile and then took the liberty to bomb the world to hell, including (or, should we say, most especially) the U.S.

One of the only possible outcomes that would follow such a disastrous event is the complete annihilation of not just the U.S. but mankind as we know it.

However, if by some unfathomable miracle, a nuclear war did inevitably ensue but did not lead to the destruction of mankind, and North Korea won such a disastrous exchange, then America would undoubtedly become an “extension” of North Korea — like a territory, a slave state, or some other entity whereby it would become just like North Korea, if not worse. Here are some things that would happen in the U.S. if North Korea won (and didn’t blow us all to kingdom come).

15 Things That Would Happen If The US Lost Against North Korea the 15 Things That Would Happen If The US Lost Against North Korea the Reviewed by Gurusaine.com on October 07, 2017 Rating: 5

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