Four special US soldiers were reportedly left behind as the main element of their Special Forces team was evacuated after a deadly ambush in Niger. - THE LATEST NEWS HEADLINES TODAY

Four special US soldiers were reportedly left behind as the main element of their Special Forces team was evacuated after a deadly ambush in Niger.


Although The Times reported it was unclear whether the four US troops were still alive when the evacuations took place, troops from the Joint Special Operation Command, an elite group of special operations forces, were told that there were US troops missing. The four soldiers were reportedly no longer in radio contact.

The Defense Department left out key details of the ambush during its press conference on Monday and asked the public for patience as it investigates the incident. Military officials and lawmakers have estimated that it could take 30 to 60 days for the investigation to conclude, The Times said.

Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford said during a Monday press conference that the Special Forces team and a group of Nigerien troops were conducting a reconnaissance mission in the area, and that contact with enemy troops was believed to be "unlikely" at the time.

Asked why US troops were accompanying Nigerien forces, Dunford said US forces would  only accompany partner forces when the chances of enemy contact are unlikely."

If we have a specific threat to the homeland and local forces are unable to deal with that threat, United States forces are going to deal with that threat," Dunford said. "But the bias is towards enabling local African partners to conduct operations in Africa."

Around 800 US troops are operating in Niger state, along with 4,000 French troops in West Africa, according to Dunford. US forces have reportedly been in the region for more than 20 years and are stationed there to "defeat violent extremism in Africa," in addition to dealing with the "global threat with foreign fighters," Dunford said.

"This area is inherently dangerous," he continued. "We're there because ISIS and Al Qaeda are operating in that area.

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