Israel invested millions in security fence- but forgot to close the drains outlets. Dozens of Palestinians were arrested yesterday in one of the largest agricultural robberies to occur in Israel in recent years. - THE LATEST NEWS HEADLINES TODAY

Israel invested millions in security fence- but forgot to close the drains outlets. Dozens of Palestinians were arrested yesterday in one of the largest agricultural robberies to occur in Israel in recent years.

Israel invested millions in security fence- but forgot to close the drains outlets.
Dozens of Palestinians were arrested yesterday in one of the largest agricultural robberies to occur in Israel in recent years. The state might have invested hundreds of millions of shekels in building the security fence- but no one bothered to close the drains.

"Over 10-12 hours they stole 20 tons of grapes and passed through the crossing," said Giora Dahan, a farmer from the moshav. "If we translate this into money, it's damage worth at least NIS 30-40,000. Beyond that there is collateral damage; these clusters were not cut off, they were ripped off, and this also causes damage for next year."

Dahan also referred to the fence built by the security establishment and said that they had hoped it would stop the many agricultural thefts. "A year ago, when we saw that a fence was being built here, we thought that the story was going to end and that we would have quiet," he said. "The reality is that every other day there is an attempt to steal a tractor or agricultural produce." On the government's lack of proactivity, Dahan said: "It's either because of powerlessness, or turning a blind eye, or something else that I can not explain.

Israel invested millions in security fence- but forgot to close the drains outlets. Dozens of Palestinians were arrested yesterday in one of the largest agricultural robberies to occur in Israel in recent years. Israel invested millions in security fence- but forgot to close the drains outlets.  Dozens of Palestinians were arrested yesterday in one of the largest agricultural robberies to occur in Israel in recent years. Reviewed by on October 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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