Stephen hawking prediction :five terrifying ways Stephen Hawking predicts we're all going to die
Stephen Hawking isn’t always the world’s cheeriest soul – in fact, he has sometimes predicted the end of mankind several times in one week.
To be fair, the Brief History of Time author often has a positive point to make, namely that we should all calm down a bit and focus on something other than killing each other.
Here’s five of the different, horrible-sounding ways Hawking thinks life on Earth could be snuffed out forever.
Crushed beneath the heels of hi-tech aliens
Hawking is a vocal opponent of the METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence) project, which aims to send messages into space and contact intelligent aliens.
Professor Hawking thinks this is a terrible idea, as any aliens hi-tech enough to get our message and travel here may well crush us without mercy.
He said, ‘If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans.’
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Stephen hawking prediction :five terrifying ways Stephen Hawking predicts we're all going to die
Reviewed by Wilson Jane
November 11, 2017

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